27 March 2012

Public works, 2 billion euros from the Cipe

Assigned funds for railway networks and infrastructural works, earthquake in Abruzzo and alluvial events, occupation, cultural heritage and health

On March 23, the CIPE approved the allocation of about 2 billion euros. The decision, which completes a series of measures to put an end to the serious uncertainty of public finance flows over the last few years, aims to restart a phase of economic growth indispensable for the relaunch of the country.

The funds allocated are intended to increase five key sectors for the development of the country: railway networks and infrastructure works; earthquake in Abruzzo and alluvial events; occupation; cultural heritage; health. In particular: RAILWAYS AND INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS CIPE has approved the allocation of about 924 million euros for new infrastructure works and extraordinary maintenance work.

Among the main works funded, in addition to the 600 million euro for the interventions of the ANAS and RFI program for 2012, there are: – 50.1 million for Strada Statale 38 in Valtellina, variant of Morbegno from km 15 to km 17 , 5, making it possible to invest 280 million euros, 71.6 million euros for the Metropolitan of Brescia, the first functional lot Prealpino – S. Eufemia; – € 70 million for the Lioni – Grottaminarda road link between the A3 Salerno – Reggio Calabria motorway and the A16 Napoli – Bari motorway between Frigento and San Teodoro junction; € 9 million on the Strada Statale 172, so-called “Trulli”; – 33 million euros at State Road 106 “Ionica”, from the junction of Squillace at the junction of Simeri Crichi; – 60 million euros for the HUB port of Ravenna.

POST-EARTHQUAKE RECONSTRUCTION AND FLOODS The CIPE has financially supported the renewed commitment to the post-earthquake reconstruction of L’Aquila and its territory. Having taken note of the Report of the Ministry for Territorial Cohesion and of the Ordinance aimed at simplifying the organisation, strengthening information and communication and introducing rigorous interventions, the Committee has allocated approximately 540 million euros to the Commissioner delegated for the repair and reconstruction of damaged housing stock. Another 168 million euros were allocated to finance the second phase program for the restoration of damaged public buildings. 5 million were also allocated for the towns affected by the flood of 25 October 2011 in the Cinque Terre (Liguria), with interventions in favor of the Municipalities of Vernazza and Monterosso. Finally, the CIPE approved the proposal for the distribution of the last tranche of 33.4 million euros in favor of municipalities in Campania and Basilicata affected by the earthquakes of 1980-81-82.
